What is Winter Solstice? Most people refer to it as the first day of the Winter season.
Here are some additional facts:
- Winter Solstice occurs when the Sun travels the shortest path through the sky in the Northern Hemisphere.
- The day has the least daylight and the longest night.
- Winter Solstice usually falls on December 21st or 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere.
- Winter Solstice usually falls on June 20th or 21st in the Southern Hemisphere.
- At winter solstice the Sun travels the shortest path through the sky, and that day therefore has the least daylight and the longest night.
- When the winter solstice happens in the Northern Hemisphere, the North Pole is tilted away from the Sun and Polar Night occurs in the entire Arctic Circle.
- Winter Solstice itself only lasts a moment but the term refers to the day on which it occurs.
Since the day is short and the dark hours long, it’s the perfect day to apply for the Canada Learning Bond!
Applications can be made at a bank or credit union with an appointment and on-line at any time!
Don’t delay, apply for the Canada Learning Bond for your children to see if they are eligible for up to $2,000 in free money for post-secondary education.